A Beginner’s Guide to Creating a TypeScript Starter Project
Web Development

A Beginner’s Guide to Creating a …

For the last two years, I’ve worked a lot on small web projects where I used a simple TypeScript starter project that removes the basic installation process that a new project always has. I wanted to create a new …
Improve Rendering Performance With The New CSS ‘Content-Visibility’ Property
Website Performance

Improve Rendering Performance With The New CSS ‘…

Earlier this year, Chromium 85 was released which low-key contained a new CSS property that completely flew by me at the time. The content-visibility property allows you to instruct the user-agent to skip all rendering work, including layout and …
How To Create a Stellar GitHub Profile That Gets You Hired As A Web Developer
Web Development Career

How To Create a Stellar GitHub Profile …

If you are job-hunting as a developer, there’s a lot of competition, and you want to stand out as much as possible. Recently, I published an article on how to set up your LinkedIn profile to stand out and …
How to Set Up Your Programming LinkedIn Profile
Web Development

How to Set Up Your Programming LinkedIn …

Whether you’re new to the field and looking for your first development job, or you’re a veteran seeking a new opportunity. Nowadays, you need a LinkedIn profile to get the right reach and get noticed. Why is …
The Ultimate Page Speed Optimization Guide
Website Performance

The Ultimate Page Speed Optimization Guide

Why page speed is so darn important. There’s a whole lot of research going on by Google, Microsoft and a lot of other organizations on what effect page speed has on internet users. The data shows …