Getting Started with the JavaScript URL Object

Learn How To Properly Handle URLs in JavaScript

If you’ve been a developer for some time you will have undoubtedly worked with URLs before. It’s funny and frustrating at the same time how such a simple thing as URL manipulation can become so messy and prone to errors.

In this article, I want to take a deep dive into the JavaScript URL object. This object takes away most headaches from dealing with URLs and helps us write cleaner and better code.

Creating an URL Object

You create an URL Object with the URL constructor method. You can either pass a full URL to the constructor or pass a path with an optional base URL as the second parameter.

// Pass a full URL
const url = new URL('');
// Pass a path with the base URL as the second parameter
const url2 = new URL('@WesleySmits', '');

You can further construct the URL through its public properties.

url.hash = 'test'; // '' = ''; // ''
url.pathname = '@RandomUser'; '';
url.searchParams.set('key', 'value'); // ''

Note that URLs are encoded according to the rules found in RFC 3986. For example:

url.hash = 'spécial'; // ''

Reading Information From The URL

You can use the same properties to retrieve information from a URL.

const url = new URL('');
console.log(url.hash); // '#test'
console.log(; // '?foo=bar'
console.log(url.searchParams.get('foo')); // 'bar'

Use Case

Let’s create a simple method that constructs a URL based on a base URL and an array of query params. We will do this in two ways, first the old-fashioned way and secondly with the URL object.

const baseUrl = '';
const params = [
key: 'category',
value: 'programming'
key: 'subcategory',
value: 'front-end'
function oldWay(baseUrl, params) {
const paramString = params.reduce((prev, current, index) => {
const prefix = index === 0 ? '' : '&';
return prev + `${prefix}${current.key}=${current.value}`;
}, "?");
return baseUrl + paramString;
function newWay(baseUrl, params) {
const url = new URL(baseUrl);
for (param of params) {
url.searchParams.set(param.key, param.value);
return url.href;
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Aside from the second function being much more readable, there are several benefits to the second approach.

  • We do not have to think about the ‘?’ and ‘&’ characters.
  • We do not have to manually build the string.
  • The params are encoded automatically, is someone injects a param with a space or special character the code does not break.

Additional Resources


The URL object is a very useful addition that makes dealing with URLs less error-prone and easier at the same time.

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